Friday, 23 January 2009
We are getting close to finishing!
Hopefully by the end of next week we should have a rough copy of what it is going to look like.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Looks like im not the only one who liked my childhood book
It seems that Lauras star is already a aniamtion and Mel c from the Spice Girls has done a soundtrack for ! However ours is going to be different as we are using real life also ours is just a titled sequence.
Animation is starting to be a title sequence!
The first 2 hours Me and Taranpreet were creating the girl. Taranpreet drew the girl and we scanned them in to the computer and on to photoshop were we coloured them in.

The image above you can see the original image and then the coloured version. We wanted to keep the colours simple and fun, as she is young, so we went for purple and pink with a smily face on the top. We had a bit of trouble with this scene of her walking in front of the house. The first image we had ( as you can see above) we didnt have her holding the tourch, however in our story board we had a tourch shinning to we broke the continuity as a tourch just suddenly appeared. As a result we quickly drew in a tourch so it flowed. Taranpreet done two different stages of her walking, one with the left leg out, then one with the right, this so it created the effect of walking. Personally i think it looks better when this certain clip is slower so effect of the legs show.

This is a clip of one of our shots of the girl walking across and bending down to get the star. I like it as it is simple but sweet. So finially at the end of two confusing hours me and taranpreet manage to get all the complications and create a half decent scene.
While we was doing this Rebecca done a scene where the star was fixing back together. This would be the scene that follows ours. Rebecca done the background as it would be the pavement you see ( in the above picture) so again it flows and connects the scene.
The next scenes we done were just simple scenes were we can show the names and make it in to a continuity sequence. I done a scene in the girls bedroom where the star danced around and the names would appear in the radiator.

This was easy to do as Rebecca toke a photo of her window, as we are going to use her window to go out of aniamtion, so i just coloured aroud it to make it go in more with the other pictures. Rebecca also used this background for when the girl stands in fron and the star dances around.
Not forgetting what taranpreet done, she was doing the scene were the girls cries as the star has disappeared.

All these images look really well together when put onto the mac. The images are great, thanks to Taranpreet drawing! they are really cute girl which fits in perfect with the story.
So thats what we done on thursday, very long process but we got a big chunk of the animation done now. Hopefully in the next week or so we can finish the animation and just edit and maybe add a few to make it flow better. However we still need some music to go with our animation, something stary and twinkly which i think we are going to create our selves.
Monday, 12 January 2009
update on animation
Ok so i spent todays lesson trying to get this star to full down in front of the house. I started to get a bit annoyed as it was hard to figure out which direction everything is going. The video shows the stage that we are at, at the moment. However looking at it i think the beginning bit of the video is not the same as the bottom, as the stars do not flow as much. So that must mean that i have loaded the pictures onto the wrong document, however you get the idea. Also what i done today came together well and it seems all that stress acutally made it work ok.
On thursday we are spending the whole day doing animaition. I think it will work best that we go in order of the scenes rather than skiping in front as it all get to confusing, so first of all plan so everything links together and everyone has a job to start and finish.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Start of our animation - scene 1
This is the beginning of our animation title sequence. We had a few problems with the stars as we wanted to create an effect as if we are moving the camera up towards the sky to revel the main star. After trying a few different ways we finially managed to do so. I really like how it has turned out and can see it getting somewhere now. The colours i think play a part as they look like a book animation which we wanted.
When planing what we are doing we have decided to change our ideas a bit. We are not going to show our real girl, instead keep to the animation person. Also without using our friends niece, and using a animation person, it allows us to use one of our own room , which will be easier to create. So instead we are going to use Rebeccas room and just use that at the beginning and the end to bring it out of animation.
Things we need to do. ( for thursday, as we are spending a day on trying to get most of it done)
+ Get photos of room we are using.
+ get materials to create our fake room.
+ try and book time in the music department, so we can create our own music.
+create out girl.