Monday, 12 January 2009

update on animation

Ok so i spent todays lesson trying to get this star to full down in front of the house. I started to get a bit annoyed as it was hard to figure out which direction everything is going. The video shows the stage that we are at, at the moment. However looking at it i think the beginning bit of the video is not the same as the bottom, as the stars do not flow as much. So that must mean that i have loaded the pictures onto the wrong document, however you get the idea. Also what i done today came together well and it seems all that stress acutally made it work ok.

On thursday we are spending the whole day doing animaition. I think it will work best that we go in order of the scenes rather than skiping in front as it all get to confusing, so first of all plan so everything links together and everyone has a job to start and finish.

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